Everything I know about trick or treating I learned from TV and Movies.
I never got to trick or treat as a kid.
If you grew up with a Christian mom in the bible belt in the 80’s, you just might know what I am talking about.
This year was a big deal for me because my mom went trick or treating with my kids.
My mom was the best mother ever, is the best mother ever.
And like Many Christian parents in the 80’s were she was afraid of halloween.
Afraid of drugged candy,
Afraid of kidnappers,
Afraid of witches and warlocks,
Afraid of demonic forces,
Afraid Of Halloween turning her children into satan worshipers who listen to hard rock.
As a child I was afraid of halloween. Every year it rolled around and while other kids were having fun and getting free candy, I was up all night afraid of witches, demons, and satan.
When I was in high school I was invited to my first Halloween party, I was so excited. Then I got there, well meaning parents sat all of us kids in costumes down and shown a video about the evils of halloween. I felt so guilty and scared.
Its funny how the church has demonized halloween. How we have forgotten the Gospel. How we have forgotten that because of Christ we do not have to live in fear.
We do not have to live in fear of demons, witches, the evil one, sin or death. We have the confidence of Christ. He has defeated sin, death and the devil. Evil runs from him and we are his church, his people. And that is some good news. We can with confidence, laugh at the devil, even mock him, and have some fun trick or treating.
So go run around in a Superman costume until you can’t carry anymore candy. Live life with confidence that you are right with God because of Christ. Have some fun next Halloween reminding the devil that he has lost.
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